1 collectionc'est quoi ta base
1 collectionou 2?
1 dictionnaire
Sub test()
Dim Dico As New Dictionary
Dico.Intem("A") = 1
Range("A2") = "A"
Dico.Add Range("A2"), "Z"
Dico.Intem("A") = Dico.Intem("A") + 1
Dico.Intem("A") = Dico.Intem("A") + 1
Debug.Print Dico.Intem("A")
Dico.Remove "A"
Debug.Print Dico.Intem(1), Dico.Intem(1).Address
Dico.Add "AAAAA", "A"
Dico.Add "BBBB", "V"
Dico.Add "HHHH", "T"
Dico.Add "RRRRR", "B"
Set ss = Dico.Intems
K = Dico.Keys
For Each v In K
Debug.Print ss(v).Value
Dico.Add "toto", "A"
End Sub
Private K As String, Dico As New Collection, Ks() As String
Function Exist(Key As String) As Boolean
Exist = InStr("©" & K & "©", "©" & Key & "©")
End Function
Property Get Intem(ByVal Key As String) As Variant
If Not Exist(Key) Then
If IsNumeric(Key) Then
Dim Ks() As String: Ks = Split(K, "©")
If UBound(Ks) < Val(Key) Then Dico.Add New ClasseValue, Key: K = K & "©" & Key Else Key = Ks(Val(Key))
Dico.Add New ClasseValue, Key: K = K & "©" & Key
End If
End If
If IsObject(Dico(Key).Value) Then
Set Intem = Dico(Key).Value
Intem = Dico(Key).Value
End If
End Property
Property Let Intem(ByVal Key As String, Value As Variant)
If Not Exist(Key) Then
If IsNumeric(Key) Then
Dim Ks() As String: Ks = Split(K, "©")
If UBound(Ks) < Val(Key) Then Dico.Add New ClasseValue, Key: K = K & "©" & Key Else Key = Ks(Val(Key))
Dico.Add New ClasseValue, Key: K = K & "©" & Key
End If
End If
If IsObject(Dico(Key).Value) Then
Set Dico(Key).Value = Value
Dico(Key).Value = Value
End If
End Property
Property Get Intems() As Variant
Dim T() As String, i As Integer, d As New Collection
Ks() = Split(K, "©")
For i = 1 To UBound(Ks)
d.Add Dico(Ks(i)), Ks(i)
Set Intems = d
End Property
Public Sub Add(Value As Variant, Key As Variant)
If Key = "" Then
Dico.Add New ClasseValue
If Exist(CStr(Key)) Then Err.Raise 457, "Dictionary", "Cette clé est déjà associée à un élément de cette collection"
Dico.Add New ClasseValue, CStr(Key)
K = K & "©" & Key
End If
If IsObject(Value) Then
Set Dico(CStr(Key)).Value = Value
Dico(CStr(Key)).Value = Value
End If
End Sub
Public Sub Remove(Key As String)
Dico.Remove Key
K = Replace(K & "©", "©" & Key & "©", "©")
If Right(K, 1) = "©" Then Mid(K, Len(K), 1) = " "
K = Trim(K)
End Sub
Public Sub Clear()
Set Dicoc = New Collection: K = ""
End Sub
Public Sub Sort(Optional Desc As Boolean = True)
Dim T() As String
T() = Split(K, "©")
For i = 2 To UBound(T)
If T(i - Abs(Desc)) > T(i - Abs(Not Desc)) Then
a = T(i - Abs(Desc))
T(i - Abs(Desc)) = T(i - Abs(Not Desc))
T(i - Abs(Not Desc)) = a
i = i - 2
If i < 1 Then i = 1
End If
K = Join(T, "©")
End Sub
Public Function Keys() As String()
Dim T() As String, Ks() As String, i As Integer
T() = Split(K, "©")
ReDim Ks(1 To UBound(T))
For i = LBound(Ks) To UBound(Ks)
Ks(i) = T(i)
Keys = Ks
End Function
Option Explicit
Public Value As Variant
non les deux collections c'est une mauvaise idée justement dans le sens ou je ne peux pas faire de reverse puisqu'une collection n'accepte pas les doublons je m'en suis rendu compte trop tardTu refais en VBA le même code que fait une collection mais en assembleur.
Les collections fonctionnent sur MAc tu as le droit de t'en priver.
Si tu n'avais pas posté je ne me serais jamais penché sur le sujet, je suis Macophobe.
Ton idée du début de faire 2 collections une pour le Keys l'autre pour les items me paraissait une bonne idée !
bien obligé pour Mac et si tu avais bien observé comme l'a très bien dit Laurent je fait ce que je peut faire avec une collection et un dictionnaire et même plusTu refais en VBA le même code que fait une collection mais en assembleur.
ben oui mais je quand même pouvoir faire un reverseLe dictionnaire n'accepte pas les doublons.
Ja cru comprendre que tu voulais faire un dictionary pour Mac !
Dim T(2 To 6) As String
Public Sub Sort Optional Desc As Boolean = True)
For i = LBound(T) + 1 To UBound(T)
If T(i - Abs(Desc)) > T(i - Abs(Not Desc)) Then
a = T(i - Abs(Desc))
T(i - Abs(Desc)) = T(i - Abs(Not Desc))
T(i - Abs(Not Desc)) = a
i = i - 2
If i < LBound(T) Then i = LBound(T)
End If
End Sub
Sub test()
b = Array("Z", "Y", "X", "W", "V")
For i = 0 To 4
T(i + 2) = b(i)
Sort T
Sort T, False
End Sub
Public Function SortArray(ByVal t, Optional Desc As Boolean = True)
For I = LBound(t) + 1 To UBound(t)
If t(I - Abs(Desc)) > t(I - Abs(Not Desc)) Then
A = t(I - Abs(Desc))
t(I - Abs(Desc)) = t(I - Abs(Not Desc))
t(I - Abs(Not Desc)) = A
I = I - 2
If I < LBound(t) Then I = LBound(t)
End If
SortArray = t
End Function
Sub test()
Dim t
ReDim t(2 To 6)
b = Array("Z", "Y", "X", "W", "V")
For I = 0 To 4
t(I + 2) = b(I)
t = SortArray(t)
MsgBox Join(t, vbCrLf)
End Sub
Sub testccc()
ReDim t(1 To 5)
t(1) = "zaza"
t(2) = "loulou"
t(3) = "fanfan"
t(4) = "titi"
t(5) = "coco"
t = SortArray(t)
MsgBox Join(t, vbCrLf)
End Sub
Sub testDDD()
ReDim t$(4)
t(0) = "zaza"
t(1) = "loulou"
t(2) = "fanfan"
t(3) = "titi"
t(4) = "coco"
t = SortArray(t)
MsgBox Join(t, vbCrLf)
End Sub
Sub testdoubleboucle()
Dim X
ReDim t(1 To 5)
t(1) = "zaza"
t(2) = "titi"
t(3) = "loulou"
t(4) = "fanfan"
t(5) = "coco"
X = SortArrayA(t, False)
MsgBox Join(X, vbCrLf)
End Sub
Function SortArrayA(b, Optional AsC As Boolean = True)
For i = LBound(b) To UBound(b) - 1
For a = i + 1 To UBound(b)
If AsC = True Then c = i: d = a Else c = a: d = i
q = q + 1
If b(c) > b(d) Then
tp = b(c)
b(c) = b(d)
b(d) = tp
End If
MsgBox q & " tours de boucle"
SortArrayA = b
End Function
Sub testMonoBoucle()
ReDim t(1 To 5)
t(1) = "zaza"
t(2) = "loulou"
t(3) = "fanfan"
t(4) = "titi"
t(5) = "coco"
t = SortArrayB(t)
MsgBox Join(t, vbCrLf)
End Sub
Public Function SortArrayB(ByVal t, Optional Desc As Boolean = True)
For i = LBound(t) + 1 To UBound(t)
q = q + 1
If t(i - Abs(Desc)) > t(i - Abs(Not Desc)) Then
a = t(i - Abs(Desc))
t(i - Abs(Desc)) = t(i - Abs(Not Desc))
t(i - Abs(Not Desc)) = a
i = i - 2
If i < LBound(t) Then i = LBound(t)
End If
MsgBox q & " tours de boucle"
SortArrayB = t
End Function