Dim Alpha As Double
Dim Ang As Double
Dim iSec As Integer
Const PI = 3.14159265358979
Private DEP As Double
Type Point
x As Double
y As Double
End Type
Public Event Secondes()
Public Event Minutes()
Public Event Heures()
Public Event Jours()
Public Event Click()
Public Property Get FontColor() As OLE_COLOR
FontColor = BackColor
End Property
Public Property Let FontColor(Value As OLE_COLOR)
BackColor = Value
End Property
Public Property Get TextBackGround() As OLE_COLOR
Label2.ForeColor = Label2.ForeColor
End Property
Public Property Let TextBackGround(Value As OLE_COLOR)
Label2.ForeColor = Value
End Property
Public Property Get SecondeColor() As OLE_COLOR
SecondeColor = Secondes.BorderColor
End Property
Public Property Let SecondeColor(Value As OLE_COLOR)
Secondes.BorderColor = Value
End Property
Public Property Get HeureColor() As OLE_COLOR
HeureColor = Heures.BorderColor
End Property
Public Property Let HeureColor(Value As OLE_COLOR)
Heures.BorderColor = Value
End Property
Public Property Get MinuteColor() As OLE_COLOR
MinuteColor = Minutes.BorderColor
End Property
Public Property Let MinuteColor(Value As OLE_COLOR)
Minutes.BorderColor = Value
End Property
Public Property Get Start() As Boolean
Start = CBool(Timer1.Interval)
End Property
Public Property Let Start(Value As Boolean)
Timer1.Interval = IIf(Value, 500, 0)
End Property
Public Property Get HorlogeDigital() As Boolean
HorlogeDigital = Label1.Visible
End Property
Public Property Let HorlogeDigital(Value As Boolean)
Label1.Visible = Value
End Property
Public Property Get DateDigital() As Boolean
DateDigital = Label2.Visible
End Property
Public Property Let DateDigital(Value As Boolean)
Label2.Visible = Value
End Property
Public Property Get Cadrant() As Picture
Set Cadrant = Quadrant.Picture
End Property
Public Property Set Cadrant(Value As Picture)
Quadrant.Picture = Value
End Property
Private Sub Label3_Click()
RaiseEvent Click
End Sub
Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
Static J, h, M, s
With XYSeconde(Secondes, Second(Time), DEP)
Secondes.X2 = .x
Secondes.Y2 = .y
End With
With XYMinutes(Minutes, Minute(Time), DEP)
Minutes.X2 = .x
Minutes.Y2 = .y
End With
With XYHeures(Heures, CInt(Format(Time, "h AMPM")), DEP)
Heures.X2 = .x
Heures.Y2 = .y
End With
Label1.Caption = Time
Label2.Caption = Format(Now, "DDDD DD")
If J = "" Then J = Day(Now)
If h = "" Then h = Hour(Now)
If M = "" Then M = Minute(Now)
If M = "" Then s = Second(Now)
If s <> Second(Now) Then s = Second(Now): RaiseEvent Secondes
If M <> Minute(Now) Then M = Minute(Now): RaiseEvent Minutes
If h <> Hour(Now) Then h = Hour(Now): RaiseEvent Heures
If J <> Day(Now) Then J = Day(Now): RaiseEvent Jours
End Sub
Private Function XYSeconde(ByRef Ln As Line, ByVal Secondes As Integer, L As Double) As Point
Secondes = Secondes - 15
XYSeconde.x = Ln.X1 + Math.Cos(Secondes * (PI / 30)) * (L - (L * 0.15))
XYSeconde.y = Ln.Y1 + Math.Sin(Secondes * (PI / 30)) * (L - (L * 0.15))
End Function
Private Function XYMinutes(ByRef Ln As Line, ByVal Minutes As Integer, L As Double) As Point
Minutes = Minutes - 15
XYMinutes.x = Ln.X1 + Math.Cos(Minutes * (PI / 30)) * (L - (L * 0.2))
XYMinutes.y = Ln.Y1 + Math.Sin(Minutes * (PI / 30)) * (L - (L * 0.2))
End Function
Private Function XYHeures(ByRef Ln As Line, ByVal Heures As Integer, L As Double) As Point
Heures = Heures - 3
XYHeures.x = Ln.X1 + Math.Cos(Heures * (PI / 6)) * (L - (L * 0.5))
XYHeures.y = Ln.Y1 + Math.Sin(Heures * (PI / 6)) * (L - (L * 0.4))
End Function
Private Sub UserControl_Initialize()
End Sub
Private Sub UserControl_InitProperties()
End Sub
Private Sub UserControl_Resize()
Width = Height
Quadrant.Height = Height
Quadrant.Width = Width
DEP = Quadrant.Height / 2
Heures.X1 = Quadrant.Left + DEP
Heures.X2 = Quadrant.Left + DEP
Heures.Y1 = Quadrant.Top + DEP
Heures.Y2 = Quadrant.Top + (DEP * 0.5)
Heures.BorderWidth = 1 + (Quadrant.Height * 0.003)
Minutes.X1 = Quadrant.Left + (Quadrant.Width / 2)
Minutes.X2 = Quadrant.Left + (Quadrant.Width / 2)
Minutes.Y1 = Quadrant.Top + DEP
Minutes.Y2 = Quadrant.Top + (DEP * 0.3)
Minutes.BorderWidth = 1 + (Quadrant.Height * 0.0025)
Secondes.X1 = Quadrant.Left + (Quadrant.Width / 2)
Secondes.X2 = Quadrant.Left + (Quadrant.Width / 2)
Secondes.Y1 = Quadrant.Top + DEP
Secondes.Y2 = Quadrant.Top + (DEP * 0.3)
Secondes.BorderWidth = 1 + (Quadrant.Height * 0.0006)
Label1.Height = Quadrant.Height * 0.06
Label1.Width = Quadrant.Width * 0.26
Label1.Top = Quadrant.Top + Quadrant.Height - (Label1.Height * 4.3)
Label1.Left = Quadrant.Left + (Quadrant.Width / 2) - (Label1.Width / 2.2)
Label1.FontSize = Label1.Height * 0.03
Label2.Height = Quadrant.Height * 0.08
Label2.Width = Quadrant.Width * 0.4
Label2.Top = Quadrant.Top + (Label2.Height * 3.3)
Label2.Left = Quadrant.Left + (Quadrant.Width / 2) - (Label2.Width / 2.2)
Label2.FontSize = Label2.Height * 0.03
Label3.Height = Quadrant.Height
Label3.Width = Quadrant.Width
End Sub
Private Sub UserControl_WriteProperties(PropBag As PropertyBag)
With PropBag
.WriteProperty "start", CBool(Timer1.Interval), 0
.WriteProperty "HorlogeDigital", Label1.Visible, True
.WriteProperty "DateDigital", Label2.Visible, True
.WriteProperty "Cadrant", Quadrant.Picture, Quadrant.Picture
.WriteProperty "HeureColor", Heures.BorderColor, &H80000008
.WriteProperty "SecondeColor", Secondes.BorderColor, &H80000008
.WriteProperty "MinuteColor", Minutes.BorderColor, &H80000008
.WriteProperty "TextBackGround", Label2.ForeColor, &H80000012
.WriteProperty "FontColor", BackColor, &H8000000F
End With
End Sub
Private Sub UserControl_ReadProperties(PropBag As PropertyBag)
With PropBag
FontColor = .ReadProperty("FontColor", BackColor)
TextBackGround = .ReadProperty("TextBackGround", Label2.ForeColor)
SecondeColor = .ReadProperty("SecondeColor", Secondes.BorderColor)
EguilleColor = .ReadProperty("EguilleColor", Heures.BorderColor)
Start = .ReadProperty("Start", 0)
Set Quadrant.Picture = .ReadProperty("Cadrant", Quadrant.Picture)
HorlogeDigital = .ReadProperty("HorlogeDigital", Label1.Visible)
DateDigital = .ReadProperty("DateDigital", Heures.BorderColor)
End With
End Sub