Sub Worksheet_Activate()
Worksheets("Rapport de Choix").Unprotect
'rajout Linda
Worksheets("Fiche Stratégie").Unprotect
With Sheets("Formulaire de saisie")
' Remplissage Tablo : Cellule De Fiche stratégie, virgule puis Cellule à copier de Formulaire
Tablo = Array("N6", "L23", "E8", "L25", "E9", "L27", "E10", "L29", "O8", "L31", "O9", "L33", "O10", "L35", _
"I12", "L38", "I13", "L40", "L15", "L44", "L16", "L46", "F20", "L42", "h46", "L62", "n46", _
For i = LBound(Tablo) To UBound(Tablo) Step 2
If .Range(Tablo(i + 1)) <> "" Then Range(Tablo(i)) = .Range(Tablo(i + 1))
Next i
[E17].FormulaLocal = "=SIERREUR(RECHERCHEV($L$15;'3 - Nomenclatures_DGOS_Sept2018'!A:K;8;FAUX);"""")"
[E17] = [E17].Value
End With
With Sheets("Fiche Stratégie")
Tablo = Array("I33", "K171", "i35", "M174", "n35", "q174", "C80", "c199", "C83", "c201")
For i = LBound(Tablo) To UBound(Tablo) Step 2
If .Range(Tablo(i + 1)) <> "" Then Range(Tablo(i)) = .Range(Tablo(i + 1))
'Next i
'[E17].FormulaLocal = "=SIERREUR(RECHERCHEV($L$15;'3 - Nomenclatures_DGOS_Sept2018'!A:K;8;FAUX);"""")"
'[E17] = [E17].Value
End With
Worksheets("Rapport de Choix").Protect
Worksheets("Fiche Stratégie").Protect
End Sub