Public Function Recup()
x = 0
With Worksheets("Ext")
Dte = IIf(IsDate(.Cells(1, 13)), CDate(.Cells(1, 13)), Date)
T = .ListObjects("TB_Gen").DataBodyRange.Value2
For Lgn = 1 To UBound(T, 1)
If CDate(T(Lgn, 10)) + 90 < Dte Then
'Ou aussi
' If DateDiff("d", CDate(T(Lgn, 10)), Dte, vbMonday, vbFirstFourDays) > 90 Then
x = x + 1
ReDim Preserve TB_Recup(10, x)
For Col = 1 To UBound(T, 2)
TB_Recup(Col, x) = T(Lgn, Col)
Next Col
End If
Next Lgn
If x = 0 Then Exit Function
.Cells(3, 13).Resize(UBound(TB_Recup, 2), UBound(TB_Recup)) = Application.Transpose(TB_Recup)
End With
Erase TB_Recup: Set T=Nothing
End Function