Sub Comble_les_blancs_V_TBL()
Cells(1, 8).Resize(3000, 100).Clear
Dim lig&, c&, Nom$
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
With ActiveSheet.UsedRange
tbl = .Value: ReDim tbf(UBound(tbl))
'le premier dossier en colonne 1
For i = 3 To UBound(tbl)
tbl(i, 1) = tbl(2, 1)
'les dossier manquant dans le tableau
For c = 2 To 4
Nom = ""
For lig = 3 To UBound(tbl)
'If WorksheetFunction.CountA(.Cells(lig, 2).Resize(, 4)) > 0 Then
ca = 0: For x = 2 To 4: ca = ca + (1 And tbl(lig, x) <> ""): Next
If ca > 0 Then
'If .Cells(lig, c) <> "" Then
'Nom = .Cells(lig, c)
'If .Cells(lig, c - 1) = Cells(lig - 1, c - 1) And .Cells(lig, c - 1) <> "" Then
'.Cells(lig, c) = Nom
'.Cells(lig, c).Font.Color = vbRed
'End If
'End If
If tbl(lig, c) <> "" Then
Nom = tbl(lig, c)
If tbl(lig, c - 1) = tbl(lig - 1, c - 1) And tbl(lig, c - 1) <> "" Then
tbl(lig, c) = Nom
End If
End If
End If
'If WorksheetFunction.CountA(.Cells(lig, 1).Resize(, 4)) = 1 Then tbl(lig, 1) = ""
ca = 0: For x = 1 To 4: ca = ca + (1 * Abs(tbl(lig, x) <> "")): Next
If ca = 1 Then tbl(lig, 1) = ""
End With
' Cells(1, 8).Resize(UBound(tbl), 4) = tbl
'reconstruction des chemin et creation
racine = Environ("userprofile") & "\desktop\"
For i = 2 To UBound(tbl)
For c = 1 To UBound(tbl, 2)
tbf(i) = tbf(i) & IIf(tbl(i, c) <> "", tbl(i, c) & "\", "")
If tbf(i) <> "" Then MkDir racine & tbf(i)
Cells(1, 8).Resize(UBound(tbl), 1) = Application.Transpose(tbf)
End Sub
Sub supprimdossiercomplet()
dossier = Environ("userprofile") & "\desktop\" & Cells(2, 1)
Shell ("cmd /c RD /S /Q " & dossier)
Do While Dir(dossier, vbDirectory) <> "": DoEvents: Loop
End Sub