Sub ContenuChemins()
Dim FSO As New FileSystemObject, Chemin
ActiveSheet.[A1:H1].Value = Array("Path", "FileName", "Size", "Last modified", "R/O", "Hid.", "Sys", "Chg")
With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
.AllowMultiSelect = True
If .SelectedItems.Count = 0 Then Exit Sub
For Each Chemin In .SelectedItems
DossFicSsDoss FSO.GetFolder(Chemin)
Next Chemin
End With
End Sub
Sub DossFicSsDoss(ByVal Fdr As Folder)
Dim Fls As Files, Fds As Folders, Fle As File, T(1 To 1, 1 To 8)
If Fdr.Attributes And &H40 Then Exit Sub
T(1, 1) = Fdr.Path
T(1, 5) = IIf(Fdr.Attributes And 2, ChrW$(&H2713), "—")
T(1, 6) = IIf(Fdr.Attributes And 4, ChrW$(&H2713), "—")
T(1, 7) = IIf(Fdr.Attributes And 8, ChrW$(&H2713), "—")
T(1, 8) = IIf(Fdr.Attributes And 32, ChrW$(&H2713), "—")
Selection(2, 1).Select
Selection.Resize(, 8).Value = T
On Error Resume Next ' On peut avoir des Err 70: Permission refusée
Set Fls = Fdr.Files
If Err = 0 Then
For Each Fle In Fls
T(1, 1) = Empty
T(1, 2) = Fle.Name
T(1, 3) = Fle.Size
T(1, 4) = Fle.DateLastModified
T(1, 5) = IIf(Fle.Attributes And 2, ChrW$(&H2713), "—")
T(1, 6) = IIf(Fle.Attributes And 4, ChrW$(&H2713), "—")
T(1, 7) = IIf(Fle.Attributes And 8, ChrW$(&H2713), "—")
T(1, 8) = IIf(Fle.Attributes And 32, ChrW$(&H2713), "—")
Selection(2, 1).Select
Selection.Resize(, 8).Value = T
Next Fle: End If
Set Fds = Fdr.SubFolders
If Fds.Count = 0 Then Exit Sub
If Err Then Exit Sub
On Error GoTo 0
For Each Fdr In Fds
DossFicSsDoss Fdr
Next Fdr
End Sub