#If VBA7 Then
Private Declare PtrSafe Sub memcpy Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (ByRef dest As Any, ByVal src As LongPtr, ByVal Size As LongPtr)
Private Declare Sub memcpy Lib "kernel32.dll" (ByRef dest As Any, ByRef src As Any, ByVal Size As Long)
#End If
Public Function GetDimensions(source As Variant) As Integer
' Nota
' VT_ARRAY = &H2000 ' Tableau 1 Dimension
' VT_BYREF = &H4000 ' Tableau 2 Dimensions et 3D, 4D , et Plus...
Dim vt As Long, ptr As LongPtr
memcpy vt, VarPtr(source), 2 ' read the variant type (2 bytes) '
If (vt And &H2000) = 0 Then Exit Function ' return 0 if not an array '
memcpy ptr, VarPtr(source) + 8, Len(ptr) ' read the variant data at offset 8 '
If (vt And &H4000) Then memcpy ptr, ptr, Len(ptr) ' read by reference if the data is a reference '
If ptr Then memcpy GetDimensions, ptr, 2 ' read the number of dimensions at offset 0 (2 bytes) '
End Function