Sub ListerLesParcours()
Dim AireVilles As Range, AireSemaines As Range
Dim I As Integer, J As Integer
Dim LigneParcours As ListRow
Dim TabParcours As ListObject
Set TabParcours = Sheets("Parcours").ListObjects("t_Parcours")
Set AireVilles = Range("t_SemainesVilles[Villes]")
Set AireSemaines = Range("t_SemainesVilles[#headers]")
With TabParcours
If .ListRows.Count > 0 Then
Debug.Print .ListRows.Count
End If
End With
For I = 1 To AireVilles.Count
With AireVilles(I)
For J = 2 To AireSemaines.Count
If .Offset(0, J - 1) <> "" Then
' Debug.Print .Value & " : " & .Offset(0, J - 1) & ", " & AireSemaines(J)
Set LigneParcours = TabParcours.ListRows.Add
With LigneParcours
.Range(1, 1) = AireVilles(I).Value
.Range(1, 2) = AireSemaines(J)
.Range(1, 3) = AireVilles(I).Offset(0, J - 1)
End With
Set LigneParcours = Nothing
End If
Next J
End With
Next I
With Sheets("TCD parcours")
End With
Set AireVilles = Nothing: Set AireSemaines = Nothing
Set TabParcours = Nothing: Set LigneParcours = Nothing
End Sub