comment ne pas appeler une fonction private

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XLDnaute Occasionnel
comment ne pas appeler une fonction "private function" dans un de mes sub main.
J'ai une macro qui fait du tri et de la mise en page, j'aimerais qu'elle continue la mise ne page et arrete le tri, mais qu'elle arrete la mise en page, or les deux fonctions qui font le tri sont des private function.
'~~~~~~~~~~~~~Macro to process GCC Violation Report~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
'***********Violations without Justification for specified Head of Credit**********
Sub Main1()

Dim GCCReport As Workbook                               'Workbook of report from GCC
Dim row_count As Integer                                'no of rows written

'Delete data written in last import
Workbooks("GCC Violation Report Filter MacroTEST.xls").Worksheets("Start").Range("D32").ClearContents
Workbooks("GCC Violation Report Filter MacroTEST.xls").Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("B4:Q23000").Delete

'opens dialog box to choose report
Filename = Application.GetOpenFilename(FileFilter:="Excel Files (*.xls), *.xls", Title:="Please select a file")
    If Filename = False Then
        ' They pressed Cancel
        MsgBox "Stopping because you did not select a file"
        Exit Sub
        Workbooks.Open (Filename)
        Set GCCReport = ActiveWorkbook
        w_rows = DataExtract

        End If

MsgBox "Data Import has finished"

Workbooks("GCC Violation Report Filter MacroTEST.xls").Worksheets(2).Activate
row_count = RowCount

    With Workbooks("GCC Violation Report Filter MacroTEST.xls").Worksheets(2)
        'Set Column Width
        .Columns("A").ColumnWidth = 0
        .Columns("B").ColumnWidth = 10
        .Columns("C").ColumnWidth = 10
        .Columns("D").ColumnWidth = 15
        .Columns("E").ColumnWidth = 15
        .Columns("F").ColumnWidth = 15
        .Columns("G").ColumnWidth = 25
        .Columns("H").ColumnWidth = 15
        .Columns("I").ColumnWidth = 2
        .Columns("J:L").ColumnWidth = 4
        .Columns("J:L").HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
        .Columns("M").ColumnWidth = 4
        .Columns("N").ColumnWidth = 25
        .Columns("O").ColumnWidth = 20
        .Columns("P").ColumnWidth = 7
        'Set Row Height
        'Set Borders
        .Range(Worksheets("Sheet2").Cells(4, 1), Worksheets("Sheet2").Cells(row_count, 17)).Borders.Weight = xlHairline
        .Range(Worksheets("Sheet2").Cells(4, 1), Worksheets("Sheet2").Cells(row_count, 17)).Borders.Color = RGB(0, 0, 0)
        .Range(Worksheets("Sheet2").Cells(4, 1), Worksheets("Sheet2").Cells(row_count, 17)).Borders.LineStyle = xlContinuous
'        .Range(Worksheets("Sheet2").Cells(4, 1), Worksheets("Sheet2").Cells(row_count, 17)).Font.FontStyle = "Tahoma"
'        .Range(Worksheets("Sheet2").Cells(4, 1), Worksheets("Sheet2").Cells(row_count, 17)).Font.Size = 10
        .Range("A3:Q3").Borders.LineStyle = xlContinuous
        .Range("A3:Q3").Borders.Weight = xlHairline
        .Range("A3:Q3").Borders.Color = RGB(0, 0, 0)
        End With
Call ColorUPC(4, row_count, 17, 5)
Call SeperateUPC(4, row_count, 17, 5, False)
Call DeleteJust(False, row_count)
Call PrintSetup(65, 2)

End Sub

'~~~~~Function to scan (active) Worksheet~~~~~
'returns row no in which entry was found if succesful, 0 else
'SearchValue            the value you are looking for
'row_start              row in which scan starts
'wb_to_scan             Workbook which is scanned
'row_max                maximal no of rows to be scanned

Private Function Scan(SearchValue, row_start As Integer, Optional wb_to_scan As Workbook, Optional row_max As Integer = 500) As Integer

            'Column variable
            Dim j As Integer
            'sets column to search
            '4 means Head for the credit
            j = 4
                'Loop Counter
                Dim i As Integer
                i = row_start
                'Loop which scans the rows
                Dim Search1 As String
                Search1 = SearchValue
                Test1 = Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(i, j).Value2
                'MsgBox Test1 & "   " & VarType(Test1) & "   " & VarType(SearchValue)
                If Test1 = Search1 Then
                Scan = i
                Exit Do
                End If
                If row_max < i Then
                Scan = 0
                Exit Do
                End If
                i = i + 1

End Function

'~~~~~Function to Extract data~~~~~
'returns nothing
'Uses scan and write function defined above to write data to Risky Names which matches reference Data from GCC Report

Private Function DataExtract(Optional write_sheet As Integer = 2, Optional wb_to_search As Workbook) As Integer

Dim start_scan As Integer           'start_scan specifies in which row to start search
Dim row_found As Integer            'no of row in which data was found
Dim n As Integer                    'Set column of reference data
n = 1                               'default is 1, means BB ID
Dim m As Integer                    'Loop Counter
m = 2                               'row from which reference data comparison is started
Dim writecount As Integer           'Counts no of row written to "Risky Names"
writecount = 4                      'row to start writing
Dim colorcode As Boolean            'variable which helps define background color to differentiate UPCs

    '*****Set reference value which is looked up in GCC Report I*****
    'This Loop searches for rows with choosen Head of Credit Name
    search_for = Workbooks("GCC Violation Report Filter MacroTEST.xls").Worksheets("Start").Range("D9").Value2
    start_scan = 4
    'Actual data search is done in this loop
            'Scan Worksheet for data to retrieve
            row_found = Scan(search_for, start_scan, wb_to_search)
            'Gebe Zeile an in welcher Daten gefunden wurden
            If row_found <> 0 Then
                'MsgBox "Entry is in row  " & row_found
                Call Write_Data(row_found, writecount, write_sheet)
                Workbooks("GCC Violation Report Filter MacroTEST.xls").Worksheets("Start").Range("D32").Value = "Succesful"
                start_scan = row_found + 1
                writecount = writecount + 1
                If start_scan = 6 Then
                Workbooks("GCC Violation Report Filter MacroTEST.xls").Worksheets("Start").Range("D32").Value = "Not Succesful"
                'MsgBox "Value not found in file"
                End If
            End If
    Loop While (row_found <> 0)
    '*****Set reference value which is looked up in GCC Report II*****
    'This loop extracts rows which have no data for col Head of Credit but data for col Issuer
    start_scan = 4
    'Actual data search is done in this loop
            If Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(start_scan, 3).Value = " " And Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(start_scan, 6).Value <> 0 And Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(start_scan, 7).Value <> "SENSEC_OTH" Then
                Call Write_Data(start_scan, writecount)
                writecount = writecount + 1
            End If
    start_scan = start_scan + 1
    Loop While (start_scan < 500)

DataExtract = writecount
End Function

'~~~~~Function to Write data~~~~~
'writes entire row of specified cell to file "Risky Names"returns String
'Uses scan and write function defined above to write data to Risky Names which matches reference Data from GCC Report
'copy_row                     specifies row to copy
'write_row                    specifies row into which is written

Private Sub Write_Data(copy_row As Integer, write_row As Integer, Optional sheet As Integer = 2, Optional set_color As Boolean)

'Copy from GCC Report and write data to Risky Names
Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(copy_row, 1).EntireRow.Copy (Workbooks("GCC Violation Report Filter MacroTEST.xls").Worksheets(sheet).Cells(write_row, 1))

'With Workbooks("GCC Violation Report Filter MacroTEST.xls").Worksheets(2).Range(Workbooks("GCC Violation Report Filter MacroTEST.xls").Worksheets(2).Cells(write_row, 1), Workbooks("GCC Violation Report Filter MacroTEST.xls").Worksheets(2).Cells(write_row, 17))
'    .Borders.LineStyle = xlContinuous
'    .Borders.Weight = xlHairline
'    .Borders.Color = RGB(0, 0, 0)
'    .Font.FontStyle = "Tahoma"
'    .Font.Size = 10
'End With

'Workbooks("GCC Violation Report Filter MacroTEST.xls").Worksheets(2).Cells(write_row, 8).Font.Bold = True
If set_color = False Then
    'Workbooks("GCC Violation Report Filter MacroTEST.xls").Worksheets("Sheet1").Range(Cells(write_row, 1), Cells(write_row, 36)).Interior.color = RGB(92, 172, 238)
End If

End Sub
Re : comment ne pas appeler une fonction private

Je suis désolé mais ton explication est incompréhensible. Si on comprend pas ce que tu veux, on peut pas t'aider

Le fait que les fonctions soient des private function ne change rien. Tout ce que ça change c'est que quand tu fais outils -> Macro -> Macros... les fonctions private functionn'apparaissent pas dans le listing de macros. Seuls les fonctions sub sont visibles à cet endroit.

dans ton exemple tu as une fonction DataExtract dont le prototype est le suivant : Private Function DataExtract(Optional write_sheet As Integer = 2, Optional wb_to_search As Workbook) As Integer

si tu ne veux pas appeler cette fonction tu enlève ou met en commentaire la ligne ou la fonction DataExtract est appelé.

Dans ton exemple cette fonction est appelé au début du main1 : w_rows = DataExtract
Dernière édition:
Re : comment ne pas appeler une fonction private

Lol, c vrai pour moi aussi c'est incomprehensible...
En fait la macro fait 2 choses
du tri
de la mise en page
Moi je veux qu elle arrete de faire du tri
et qu elle fasse la mise en page.
Or les fonctions qui font le tri sont des fonctions de type code.
Je ne veux pas les enlever car je veux garder la fonction de tri (un bouton)
Et avoir un autre bouton qui lui lancera la öacro qui ne fait que de la mise en page.
Est ce possible de ne pas appeler ces fonctions.
Pqr exemple les fonction de mise en pqges ces sont des sub donc il suffit de mettre call(false,...) dans le main.
Est ce que c'est plus clair? Honnetement, je sais pas si ca fait du sens en terme de programtion ce que je demande!!!
Re : comment ne pas appeler une fonction private

C'est effectivement plus clair.

Alors j'ai testé en pas à pas, la macro ne fait pas tant de mise en page que ça.

Met les 2 lignes suivantes en commentaires (a la fin de ton main1)

'Call DeleteJust(False, row_count)
'Call PrintSetup(65, 2)

Si c'est toujours pas ce que tu veux, met la ligne d'avant en commentaire, à savoir

'Call SeperateUPC(4, row_count, 17, 5, False)

une fois que ces 3 lignes sont en commentaire quasiment aucune mise en page n'est réalisée, dis moi si cela te va
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