Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim Cel As Range, P As Integer, TCoul() As Long, R As Byte, B As Byte
For Each Cel In Range("A10:A15")
ReDim TCoul(0 To Len(Cel.Value))
For P = 1 To Len(Cel.Value)
With Cel.Characters(Start:=P, Length:=1).Font
R = .Color And &HFF: B = .Color \ &H10000
TCoul(P) = IIf(R > B, &H547FFF, &HFFAE81)
End With
Next P
For P = 1 To Len(Cel.Value)
Cel.Characters(Start:=P, Length:=1).Font.Color = TCoul(P)
Next P, Cel
End Sub