Public Sub Clignotement(Optional ByVal N As Integer = 20)
Static Tps As Date, Cmde As String
If N > 0 Then
With ThisWorkbook.Styles("Flashing")
.Font.ColorIndex = 7 + 46 - .Font.ColorIndex
.Interior.ColorIndex = 4 + 3 - .Interior.ColorIndex
End With
ElseIf Tps <> 0 Then
Application.OnTime Tps, Cmde, Schedule:=False
End If
If N > 1 Then
Tps = Now() + TimeValue("00:00:01")
Cmde = "'Clignotement " & N - 1 & "'"
Application.OnTime Tps, Cmde
Else: Tps = 0: End If
End Sub