Private Sub EnregistrerBouton_Click()
With Sheets("Le Marché 24.12")
l = 6
While Not IsEmpty(.Cells(l, 2))
l = l + 1
.Cells(l, 2) = CottageBox.Text
.Cells(l, 3) = NomBox.Text
.Cells(l, 4) = PrenomBox.Text
.Cells(l, 5) = TelephoneBox.Text
.Cells(l, 6) = EmailBox.Text
.Cells(l, 7) = NbTotalBox.Text
.Cells(l, 8) = NbAdulteBox.Text
.Cells(l, 9) = NbEnfantBox.Text
.Cells(l, 10) = NbBebeBox.Text
.Cells(l, 11) = ComboBox_ModeReglement.Text
.Cells(l, 12) = ComboBoxRegle.Text
.Cells(l, 13) = CommentaireBox.Text
'redimensionner la colonne commentaire
With .Columns("M:M")
.WrapText = True
.Orientation = 0
.AddIndent = False
.ShrinkToFit = False
.ReadingOrder = xlContext
.MergeCells = False
.ColumnWidth = 35
End With
End With
' Range("Tableau1[[#Headers],[N° Cottage]]").Select
End Sub