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Auto-fill acrobat forms with Excel's data ...

  • Initiateur de la discussion thomasgetty888
  • Date de début


I write to see if anyone has use or evaluated PF-Merge before, which can auto-fill acrobat forms, without programming.
They send me the following information and i want to save time from doing a complete evaluation by hearing your views.

It seems to work great so far, filling in 100's of forms including images and i was able to auto-email it out as well.
Any pitfall you found?

Free download:

PF-Merge merges your database's records with your Acrobat forms set; resulting in as many form sets as the number of records of your database, automatically. It can automatically email/fax/encrypt each generated Acrobat file. It supports over 20 database platforms, including Excel, MySQL, Access, Oracle, MS SQL, etc.
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