Sub test()
Dim z, i%, marges#, LBX As MSForms.ListBox
Set LBX = Sheets(1).OLEObjects("ListBox1").Object
z = ActiveWindow.Zoom
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
If z <> 100 Then ActiveWindow.Zoom = 100
With LBX
'.Visible = False 'curieusement indispensable sauf si on travaille avec la collectionshapes plutot que l'activeX
.List = [A1:A8].Value
.IntegralHeight = False 'aucune ligne affichée
.Height = 0
.IntegralHeight = True
marges = .Height
.IntegralHeight = False '1 ligne affichée
.Height = marges + .Font.Size
.IntegralHeight = True
.Height = (.Height - marges) * .ListCount + marges + 1 'toutes les lignes affichées
'.Visible = True
End With
ActiveWindow.Zoom = z
End Sub